Thursday, June 17, 2010 | By: Gerrylocs


I finally managed to undo my traditional locks yesterday; an exercise I don't recommend to anyone who doesn't have loads of patience...and a huge patience reservoir for when that patience runs out (oh trust me, it will run out...)

Anyway; I now have 3-4 inches of natural knotted hair; which I haven't combed. I have this huge scarf on my head and no one at work has quite figured out what's going on. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my hair for the next week. I can't comb it until I undo the huge lumps & knots... and the idea is to preserve as much hair as possible so I can't have just cut the knots off...eish!!!

I'll have gerrylocks in (CAN'T WAIT) exactly 10 days!!!Philadelphia here and come...

PS: A huge thanks to Gerry Mayo who has been very patient in explaining the gerrylocs process and assisting with the bookings and advice on how to undo locs and everything in between... can't wait to see you in person!

So long!
PS: I must get into the habit of taking pictures..well...soon (ish); one thing at a time; I'm still getting used to bloggin'!!!

Miss G


Nubian1 said...

I had traditional locks and decided to sport a virtual 'skin head look' and just grow fresh 'unlocked before hair'.

Certainly dont think i'd have the patience to unravel one at the time.....ooooooh nooooo.

Gerrylocs said...

:)...I know what you mean

KnottyAuthor said...

i took my locks down and it took 4 was a painful experience and i feel the same-i dont recommend it.

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