Wednesday, July 28, 2010 | By: Gerrylocs

Side Do

I was  brave enough this past Sabbath to attempt a side turned out rather well. I couldn't plait all the hair in.. I have more hair than I'm used to with the I swept the hair to the sides and only used the front and back row to hold the plait to the side. I'm not sure if I didn't put unnecessary pressure to the front and backline though, so until I'm well-versed in these matters I'll stick to free-style.
Don't know if you can see from the back, but I have hair that needs retightening already... and I haven't even ordered the tool...mmmm

OK; I just stopped typing and did a 4 pt rotation to the one at the back with my fingers and it worked!!!! OK, it's not too tight, but hey...I did it:) :)


z said...

Great job! Your up-do is cute and your attempt at using 4pt. is something to be proud of. It looks like your back row of locks might be collecting a little lint (this usually happens when we wear tops/sweaters or sleep on cotton pillow cases). You can use Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the lint or color it in with a black sharpie marker. I have this problem sometimes, but there are preventative measures.

MakaLathi said...

Looking good friendo, I'm sure by the time I get back you'll be a pro. Stay put my return draweth nigh.

Gerrylocs said...

@Dewdrop, I'm going to try the vinegar..I'm just waiting for my nappy locks tool and its taking forever. I'm struggling with lint and dandruff but I can't wash as frequently as I'd like to allow my hair to settle AND to wait for the tool..


Gerrylocs said...

@Dewdrop, I'm going to try the vinegar..I'm just waiting for my nappy locks tool and its taking forever. I'm struggling with lint and dandruff but I can't wash as frequently as I'd like to allow my hair to settle AND to wait for the tool..


Unknown said...

Wow! Love this style. What camera do you use?

Gerrylocs said...

believe it or not, my phone!!! It came out rather well :)

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